Global equity indices saw gains in the third quarter of 2024, largely fuelled by enthusiasm for US tech stocks and optimism about a soft landing for the US economy.
Investment – Pulling It All Together
26 November 2024 Turning South Africa into 1 big construction site is the expressed ideal of ministers from the ANC and the DA. What is the state of play, and what are the prospects? 2 sectors: public and private 2023 GDP IN...
Avoid these blind spots when structuring retirement income
18 November 2024 In this article, we focus on the more recent retirement income themes that defined 2024 and discuss some potential blind spots when structuring solutions for pensioners. 1. Can offshore be too much of a good thing? In our...
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2024
Global equity indices saw gains in the third quarter of 2024, largely fuelled by enthusiasm for US tech stocks and optimism about a soft landing for the US economy.
Seeking a bridge for South Africa’s troubled waters
As South Africa emerges from a period of intense load shedding, new challenges loom in the form of water risks. Deteriorating water quality and increasing disruptions to supply have become pressing issues, particularly in Gauteng, the country’s economic hub.
Some you win, some you lose
In the whirlwind of early October, South Africa witnessed pivotal shifts in both policy and politics. The government’s new visa regulations signify a significant step forward in making the country more accessible to foreign workers…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2024
Global equity indices saw gains in the second quarter of 2024, largely fuelled by enthusiasm for US tech stocks and optimism about a soft landing for the US economy.
Recognising India’s Place in the World Today
India’s growing influence on the global stage is undeniable. From its youthful population to its rapid digitization and commitment to clean energy, India is carving out a unique position in the world.
Understanding the latest tax changes for South African Trusts and non-resident beneficiaries
Recent tax law changes in South Africa impact trusts and non-resident beneficiaries. This article breaks down the key aspects of these amendments and their implications.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 1, 2024
The first quarter of 2024 was virtually the mirror opposite of the prior quarter i.e., a poor start but a very good period for markets overall.
Inflation, and the importance of investing for growth
By Paul Hutchinson Many of us intuitively think that our personal inflation rate is higher than the Stats SA calculated inflation rate. But is it? A colleague of mine came across the following clipping from The Citizen newspaper of 1986, which allowed him to...
Two-pot retirement reform: What members need to know
by Ninety One The South African retirement fund industry will shortly be undergoing a significant change with the introduction of the new two-pot retirement reform proposals. National Treasury has published draft legislation to give effect to these proposals. It is...
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 4, 2023
The fourth quarter of 2023 was virtually the mirror opposite of the prior quarter i.e., a poor start but a very good period for markets overall.
Goals, Resolutions and the lack of Follow Through
Every year we start with good intentions and New Year’s resolutions. However, research suggests that fewer than 25% of us follow through on these intentions.
2024 – Once again electricity
Over the holiday period there were several important developments regarding the major issue facing the country, electricity.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2023
The third quarter of 2023, despite a good start, was a difficult one for markets overall, primarily due to a big move higher in government bond yields.
Neither a one-day, nor a one-person job
In 2021, two researchers published a paper on corruption in the US between 1865 and 1941, a period infamous for its corruption.
Subsequent Lessons from the Past, Insights for the future: Two decades of change in the investment industry
Reflecting on the past two decades in the investment industry, and the significant changes that have occurred, can be extremely useful in helping us prepare for the future.
Wars of Attrition
Trying to time the markets, in contrast, relies on luck and turns out to be yet another battle of attrition – one that history has proven again and again more than likely ends as tragically as its violent counterpart, in which there rarely are any winners.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2023
The second quarter of 2023, despite many challenges and ongoing uncertainties, saw global markets post yet another set of strong equity returns after what was an already solid start to the year.
Trustees Beware
South African trusts with lay-person trustees are at risk of non-compliance due to recent changes in legislation. Discover the important updates and the potential consequences for trustees.
Finding Certainty During Turbulent Times
Learn how the decisions and trade-offs you make in the market will shape your financial future. Understand the risks investors face and how to mitigate them.
Integrating Economics and Foreign Policy
Discover the importance of integrating economics and foreign policy. Gain a deeper understanding of South Africa’s geopolitical considerations and the potential impact on its economy.
Does the exchange rate really matter when investing offshore for the longer term?
Many SA investors are fixated on the exchange rate when making an offshore investment. Here’s why it matters less than you think.
Electricity distribution: A glimpse of what the future could be
A former Eskom engineer, his wife and two engineering sons (the Bosch family) have developed a practical example of how electricity distribution in South Africa will change over the next few years.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 1, 2023
The first quarter of 2023 proved to be no less eventful than 2022, although despite this, returns for the major asset classes were positive over the period.
Three common mistakes made with tax free investments
If you’re looking for a way to make your money work harder for you, consider a Tax-Free Investments (TFI).
Electricity and Load shedding
Gramsci was referring to politics in Italy in the 1930s, but the quote also describes Eskom and load-shedding in South Africa in the 2020s…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 4, 2022
2022 was an eventful and extremely challenging year. The main underlying culprit for the disappointing equity and bonds market returns last year was high and rising inflation
Your 2023 financial planning checklist
The decision around your investment and retirement assets will be one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make. However, investments are only one aspect of financial planning.
The Investment Case for South African Equities
Fiscal consolidation and meaningful policy implementation is essential to restore investment confidence and a meaningful growth path.
What can financial markets expect in 2023?
Investors are probably eyeing 2023 with much trepidation after what turned out to be a rather painful 2022 for bonds and stocks alike.
What is Greylisting?
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. The inter-governmental body…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2022
The third quarter of 2022 was a tale of two halves. The first half up to mid-August saw most asset classes rebound from Q2 lows with the MSCI world Index returning 4.1%. This was largely due to investors pricing in less aggressive rate hikes…
War, Politics and Geopolitics
We don’t like uncertainty. War and politics introduce uncertainty that affects us. The discomfort caused by this uncertainty could lead…
It’s winter…and we’re discontent again
You can try trading in and out, but very few get that strategy right sustainably, and your advisor certainly would not recommend it.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2022
The big news in June was corporate activity from Prosus and Naspers, which will see the company sell part of their stake in Tencent to fund a buyback of company shares to narrow the discount to net asset value and unlock value for shareholders.
Resist any impulse to tweak the portfolio
Staying committed to your chosen investment strategy is the best policy. Financial success comes from acting on a plan.
Would it not be great if you could simply rely on this 10% return to be dutifully delivered every year? Read this article to learn more.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 1, 2022
The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the heavy sanctions consequently imposed on the Russian state, its leaders, and associated businesses. Read this article to learn more.
Budget speech was far from boring!
The major benefit of increasing offshore exposure is access to a greater opportunity set and the ability to diversify more effectively. Read this article to learn more.
How Will Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Affect My Investments?
With the current situation between Russia & Ukraine, your investments may be affected. Read this article to learn more.
Tech Bubbles, Inflation and Rapidly Rising Geopolitical Tensions
Read more about the 3 current risk factors that may impact your investment opportunities in February 2022.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 4, 2021
The following economic market overview looks at the performance over the 4th quarter of 2021.
Five Reasons To Be Optimistic About 2022
We thought it might be useful to also consider some of the reasons as to why the coming year might not be quite as bad as many would predict.
Five Key Questions To Understanding Climate Change
These 5 questions from “How to avoid a climate disaster” by Bill Gates provide valuable, practical insights into understanding climate change.
Why It Pays To Invest in Retirement Annuities
If you have some extra funds available, consider investing in a retirement annuity or tax-free savings account.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2021
The following market overview looks at the economic and market performance over Quarter 3 of 2021.
Cryptocurrencies: Do We Know Enough?
A cryptocurrency (crypto) is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography.
Dementia and Special Trusts
A solution for managing the financial affairs of individuals diagnosed with dementia, a medical condition causing mental decline.
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2021
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
The centre is holding | by JP Landman
Alan Paton said in 1985, ‘South Africa is a place where you despair on Monday and hope on Tuesday.’
Foreign Inheritance Tax | SITUS
Will your overseas assets attract additional inheritance tax?
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 1, 2021
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
Structural Reform : Slow but Steady | by JP Landman
South Africa has now been in a ‘demographic recession’ for six years because the population grew faster than the economy…
Feeling Blah? It’s called Languishing | by Adam Grant
This may be the dominant emotion of 2021. At first, I didn’t recognize the symptoms that we all had in common…
Exchange Control and Emigration Matters
The Taxation Laws Amendment Act 2020, and the Tax Administration Laws…
Personalised medicine: The next leap forward for health care?
The impressive speed with which the world has been able to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 and…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 4, 2020
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
COVID-19 vaccine supply | by JP Landman
A proverbial storm has developed around South Africa’s procurement, or the perceived…
Hope is Rising | by Credo Wealth
2020 has been tough. When we think back to the start of the year, who would…
WYSIATI | by JP Landman
Psychologist Daniel Kahneman was awarded the Nobel for economics for…
How do I invest post-COVID?
The year of Covid-19 has been challenging on so many levels, and when it comes…
Medium Term Budget Policy
National Treasury revised its GDP forecast to -7.8% in 2020, recovering to real GDP…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2020
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
Death of a spouse
The death of a spouse is traumatic enough without having to deal with the aftermath…
Corruption | by JP Landman
There is palpable anger in the land about corruption. The anger is largely…
Lockdown Upgrade
We have taken the time availed to us over the lockdown period to create a…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2020
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
Cash trending towards trash
During the mid to late 2000’s and then more recently from January 2015 to dat…
The ‘Sandwich’ Generation | 8 Practical tips for coping
If you’re aged 40 to 60, you may be part of what’s known as the ‘Sandwich Generation’…
Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 1, 2020
The following market review looks at the performance over the past quarter…
Coronavirus: Some questionable mathematics?
By the time you read this article, the statistics, numbers and South Africa’s…
Don’t be a victim of cyber-attacks during lockdown
Cyber criminals are not in lockdown! With so many people working from home…
Market crashes happen, but so do recoveries
We’re all being bombarded with reports of the effects of Covid-19, including…
Moody’s downgrade
All three major rating agencies have now downgraded South Africa’s sovereign…
Will COVID-19 Derail my Retirement Plans?
As per Coroconnect from Coronation Asset Management, listed assets around…
Land Expropriation | JP Landman
Changing the Constitution to allow for expropriation without compensation…
Trump’s Trade War | By Professor Barry Eichengreen
The Trade War between the US and China is not ending anytime soon, notwithstanding…
Be Prepared (The Ridge Magazine)
The death of a source is traumatic enough without having to deal with the aftermath…
Expertise, Independence & Trust
It takes a few minutes to convince myself I’m not at a boutique hotel and spa…
Inflation (The Ridge Magazine)
There’s a lot of financial discomfort being felt right now with the rand’s current…
Your RA Deadline
If you are wanting to make use of the tax concessions for this tax year, you will need…
Two Done, One to Go | JP Landman
A year ago, Cyril Ramaphosa was elected President of the ANC by 52% vs 48%…
The Dangers of Financial Pornography
‘Financial pornography’ is a phase used to describe sensationalist media coverage…
The Bigger Picture of Your Financial Affairs
Have you had meeting after meeting where confusion reigns, as you are pulled…
What You Should Know About a Living Will
If the thought of being kept alive artificially worries you, not to mention being…