Investment – Pulling It All Together

Investment – Pulling It All Together

26 November 2024 Turning South Africa into 1 big construction site is the expressed ideal of ministers from the ANC and the DA. What is the state of play, and what are the prospects? 2 sectors: public and private 2023 GDP IN...

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Some you win, some you lose

Some you win, some you lose

In the whirlwind of early October, South Africa witnessed pivotal shifts in both policy and politics. The government’s new visa regulations signify a significant step forward in making the country more accessible to foreign workers…

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Two-pot retirement reform: What members need to know

Two-pot retirement reform: What members need to know

by Ninety One The South African retirement fund industry will shortly be undergoing a significant change with the introduction of the new two-pot retirement reform proposals. National Treasury has published draft legislation to give effect to these proposals. It is...

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Wars of Attrition

Wars of Attrition

Trying to time the markets, in contrast, relies on luck and turns out to be yet another battle of attrition – one that history has proven again and again more than likely ends as tragically as its violent counterpart, in which there rarely are any winners.

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Trustees Beware

Trustees Beware

South African trusts with lay-person trustees are at risk of non-compliance due to recent changes in legislation. Discover the important updates and the potential consequences for trustees.

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What is Greylisting?

What is Greylisting?

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. The inter-governmental body…

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Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2022

Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 3, 2022

The third quarter of 2022 was a tale of two halves. The first half up to mid-August saw most asset classes rebound from Q2 lows with the MSCI world Index returning 4.1%. This was largely due to investors pricing in less aggressive rate hikes…

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Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2022

Economic and Market Overview: Quarter 2, 2022

The big news in June was corporate activity from Prosus and Naspers, which will see the company sell part of their stake in Tencent to fund a buyback of company shares to narrow the discount to net asset value and unlock value for shareholders.

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